next steps

You’re here seeking the next steps in terms of:

  • Finding Accountability

  • Niching Down

  • Building Community


The Goal

This page is loaded with helpful resources like books, podcasts, and videos…

To stack on top of what you’ve learned in the Handbook to unlock the next level of growth waiting for you.


Building the mindset, habits, and systems to build discipline around your craft isn't easy in the beginning, but it's the foundation for succeeding long-term.

When you're finding your groove or looking for the next level—it's hard to thrive and show up when it's inconvenient when you feel isolated on an island.

Finding a like-minded family as well as a coach I could lean on and learn from:

  1. Kept me on track and focused.

  2. Saved me hours trying to find all the answers on my own.

  3. Helped me build and nurture habits, processes, and systems.

  4. Exploded my business beyond what I could’ve imagined.

Here are some resources to help you build your foundation/systems while finding community to attach yourself to.


Join your Global Creative Community here.



James Clear - Atomic Habits

Gary Kelly - The One Thing

Greg McKeown - Essentialism

Cal Newport - Deep Work

Gary Vee - Twelve and a Half

niching down

Maybe you’re like me where you’re interested and pretty good at a lot of things where everything looks like an opportunity?

While I found traction doing a lot of things, it also was the catalyst for triggering plateaus.

It's when I started to go deeper in a specific lane (still baked around multiple interests) that yielded the biggest results.

Becoming hyper-specific and intentional about what I shared, how I promoted what I was doing, and who it was for helped me:

  1. Reduce the guesswork and eliminate distractions.

  2. Channel my energy into a narrowed channel of focus.

  3. Go deeper with my audience connecting with them more.

There are levels to niching (no one-sized-fits-all formula), and picking a lane for a season ISN’T a life sentence.

Let’s learn about the benefits and levels of niching, plus how to take it one phase at a time.

building community

Growing a following or audience is cool, but that puts all the focus on vanity metric numbers…not the individual.

I’d rather teach you how to build a small-to-medium, hyper-engaged community that cares about you AND your work.

Something more than someone quickly Liking and continuing to scroll.

It’s about creating value and developing that state of Know, Like, and Trust over time.

I want to show you how to build lifelong relationships and diehard fans—not just a follower count.

We can do this through the next level of creativity, marketing, and effective self-promo.

let’s connect

Did you find this helpful, have questions, or simply want to share some other resources you’d find useful here?

Hit me up and let’s connect by shooting me an email below. 🤝