Not Creating = Dying?

Yes, the podcast is all about giving you actionable tips to grow your creative pursuits.

However, my goal over the years has always been to be transparent and share the highs and lows along the way.

As well as to break down what is (and isn’t) working for me as a creative business owner who’s also a family man with his own side hustles (drawing, NFTs, and crypto).

I’m learning a LOT about myself this year and the current season I’m in…

I’m not going deep into every enlightening moment…

(Next week, I’ll be sharing the top lessons I’ve learned during my 2nd year of running a full-time creative biz.)

The big takeaway I’m focusing on today is how “Creating is the Key” for me to get the most juice from this squeeze in life.

Creating is a major key I’ve found that unlocks:

  • Fulfillment within yourself, your work, and your life.

  • A productive escape from the daily hard shit.

  • A deeper connection with yourself and others.

  • New skills, big ideas, clarity, and confidence.

  • The next level of your overall potential.

But creating doesn’t solely refer to art or design…that’s just one branch from this tree we’re climbing today.

We’re going to break down 5 branches of creating—I’m sure you can think of more.

Simply put, you were created to create…

But if you’re not creating then, essentially, you must be passively existing and dying, right?

So let’s live a little and make our finite existence as a creator worthwhile.

5 Branches of Creating

Okay, the 5 Branches of Creating I’ve brain dumped here today are:

  1. The act of making and sharing for your soul.

  2. The act of building with your mind and hands.

  3. The act of creating moments and experiences.

  4. The act of manifesting your reality.

  5. The act of nurturing relationships.

1. Creating for Your Soul

The majority of listeners here are visual artists…

I feel one of the biggest wins you can have is to truly connect with and through your work.

(If you’re not an artsy-fartsy creative, there’s some form of creating for the soul I’m sure that’ll relate to you.)

It doesn’t matter if anyone else likes it in the beginning—finding and sharing yourself in your work is a major key.

Otherwise, what’s the point if you’re not vibin’ to what you do?

Before you can create for others, I feel you have to learn how to create for yourself so you can find yourself.

This season, I’m realizing how I can’t thrive when there’s a gaping hole in my soul when art isn’t present.

(As mentioned in Ep. 234 Don’t Forget to Play Before Your Work Your Life Away.)

I’m a better coach, podcaster, dad, husband, friend, etc. when I make time to connect to myself through drawing.

Currently, I’ve made a commitment to draw at least 10–30 minutes minimum a day.

These small spurts of creating can:

  • Become podcast feature artwork (like today).

  • Turn into minted NFTs (which this art will be).

  • Be one-off social media posts.

  • Simply be crafting or sketch sessions with my kiddos (we’re currently drawing my son’s nightly bedtime characters).

  • Live as tiny thumbnails that no one will ever see but me.

Making time to create is crucial for my well-being—and right now, I could care less if I make a dime off my art.

It’s about me connecting with ME and my artist identity during this season.

What are you creating right now that feeds the soul?

Is it alive and well, or are you too missing this key?

2. Creating as an Outlet

I never realized how important having other outlets was to me…

Something outside of creating for my soul (art) and my business (podcasts, funnels, student exercises, content, etc.).

Sometimes, you just need to build an alternative escape for no other reason than to experience some joy, unload some stress, or get your mind and body right.

During this season, creating something outside of art and biz involves:

  • Building forts, Legos, and blocks with my kiddos.

  • Revamping my studio space (with my Wifey’s help, of course).

  • Decorating our house for the Holidays.

  • Growing a crypto portfolio nest egg and teaching others.

  • Creating the version of myself I felt was out of reach via gym, kitchen, and self-care.

For you, it could be gardening, fishing, playing an instrument, or even building bird feeders for shits and gigs…

Whatever it is, I feel having some type of outlet not tied to work or our creative identity helps us squeeze that max juice out of life.

3. Creating Moments & Experiences

Prepare for some pure cheesy cheese curds here…

But the act of creating moments and experiences helps you appreciate the present, daily grind of life.

This year has been an emotional rollercoaster for sure…

But, as I write this section, it’s making me realize how dope and incredibly blessed I am.

I’ve been able to create some stupid rad experiences in 2021:

  • I took my dad to the Field of Dreams Game, so we could see our Yankees play in our backyard of Iowa.

  • I went to my first Buccaneers home game and saw the G.O.A.T.—Tom Brady—carve up the Falcons.

  • I watched my previously #5 ranked Hawkeyes play while getting to participate in the infamous 1st quarter wave to the Children’s Hospital.

I will note that I’m a pretty frugal dude, but I’ve worked my ass off over the years paying off debt and saving. 

I realize everything I just mentioned costs cheddar. I’m acknowledging how hella fortunate I am that I could reap the benefits of my hard work.

However, there are a ton of experiences I created that didn’t cost me a shiny nickel this year:

  • I coached hundreds of students and watched them make insane transformations.

  • I played hooky with my kiddos a few times and acted a fool with them all day.

  • I linked up with friends and family multiple times throughout the year to catch up.

Life is hard—it’s extra hard to get through the day-to-day grind when you’re not creating moments to live for.

4. Creating Your Future

I’m a pretty woo-woo guy at times…

But I truly believe that your thoughts, words, and actions have power.

What you say, think, feel, or do positively or negatively shapes your reality.

The world is a mirror—every action you take (or lack of action) creates your future.

Personal development and rewiring your mind to win are important areas to invest in…

Especially if you want to become that far-fetched version of yourself crushing big dreams you feel are out of reach.

(Scope out Ep 225 which focuses on Rewiring Your Mind to Win.)

TIP: Remove words like “hope,” “wish,” “want,” “can’t,” and “try” from your vocabulary as much as you can.

Rewire your mind to leverage more actionable words like “will,” “can,” and “made.”

You’ll start to immediately notice a big difference in how you talk to yourself and speak toward your ambitious moves in life.

5: Creating Relationships

I say it often, but behind every door of opportunity is a person holding that door open.

Relationships are EVERYTHING.

I’m not saying you need a million friends to succeed.

I’m saying sparking conversations, nurturing relationships, and providing value to people without expecting anything in return will get you far in life.

Sure, I’ve created a LOT of opportunities for myself by taking action…

But the opportunity came from someone I must’ve interacted with favorably in some type of way.

Every day is an opportunity to continue to build a deeper relationship with another human (or animals too, I guess).

You never know who’s going to hire you, become a customer, a true fan, a good friend, etc.

TIP: Don’t be an asshole—kindness gets you further.

(There’s also nothing better than building better relationships with your kiddos, significant other, family, and friends—these are just as important.)

Created to Create

To be honest, I didn’t really know going into this what my main point was going to be.

It wasn’t until I started writing this that it figured itself out (which happens a lot).

This show is more than just making cool shit and growing a creative business—those are just pieces to the puzzle.

I’m more focused on living a BIG life and making the most of my finite existence on this floating rock in space.

To me, these 5 Branches of Creating give me that rooted foundation to build a dope life I’m proud of and enjoy.

It gives each day I roll out of bed purpose as I live life on purpose with intent…not by accident.

You were created to create…

So cheers to living a life as a creator—there’s nothing better.



242: 9 Tips for Surviving & Thriving as a Self-Employed Creative (Year 2 | 2021 Recap)


240: Tad Carpenter on Creating Time to Create Your Own Big Breaks