9 Ways to Never Lose Your Idea Again
Capture Your Good Ideas
Stop Letting Good Ideas Get Away
Ideas are worthless without execution, but how can you execute if you can't remember the idea in the first place?
I know you. You forget stuff all the time. Too many times actually.You get those light bulb moments only to let them fizzle away because you didn't write them down.You lost that clever drawing concept, that great blog topic, that perfect headline, that cute girls number......ya, I know you.It's your fault and you're kicking yourself because of it.I can help you to never forget an idea again.I say this because that was me the majority of my life. I can’t tell you how many times I literally had a light bulb flickering above my head yet had no way of capturing it. I relied on my unforgiving memory.For aspiring and professional creative entrepreneurs or freelancers, having an abundance of good ideas to work from is a gold mine. You have an endless supply of ideas for successful projects, videos, product launches, speeches, workshops, seminars, etc.That successful project all started with a spark and relying on your memory bank is setting you up for disappointment.Thankfully with technological advances, it’s easier to capture things on the go yet most people don’t make it a ritual to mindfully collect their ideas.Some of my best work has come from being out and about and literally stopping everything I was doing so I could sketch something up. I then take this fresh idea home and progress it later.I’ve been asked by some of you how I go about taking down my ideas so today I share 9 practical ways of capturing your ideas so you are able to execute them in the future.
Pocket Sketchbook
Passion Planner
Notes App
White Board
Aqua Notes
Sticky Notes
Let's get started.
1. Pocket Sketchbook
The number one "must have by my side at all times" is a pocket size sketchbook. It's become a secondary shadow, it's always with me. If you're an artist and don't carry one with you at all times, I can't take you seriously.Sorry if this applies to you but you better step your game up!Some of you may work visually like I do. I need to draw out my ideas as most of my work pertains to illustrative lettering and this sketchbook is my visual journal. I tend to use it the most when I’m at work or out and about in public interacting with people. I have no problem pausing what I’m doing so I can quickly do a thumbnail sketch to get my thought on paper as soon as possible.I gravitate towards Field Notes with the grid because even at small sizes I like to get my illustrations or lettering at the right proportions quickly and efficiently so it's easier to scale later. It also has a small ruler on the back page which has come in clutch for me numerous occasions.
2. Passion Planner
I was recently contacted by Angelia Trinidad, founder and creator of the Passion Planner. I’ve tried planners in the past as I was and somewhat am still extremely unorganized and forget things. She gave me this planner that acts as a scheduler, journal and sketchbook all in one.As I’ve progressed these past few years, I realize how organization and tidiness are huge for my creativity. It's tough to do good work with a bunch of crap around. When I have my ducks lined up in a row, I think more clearly and am better at channeling my focus throughout my work.Each week I’ve been journaling my highs and lows, taking sketch notes of things going around me and keeping on task by scheduling what matters most to me. The versatility of this planner has helped me maintain my mindset towards my short-term and long-term goals.
3. Notes App on Phone
I use my Notes App to write down short statements or paragraphs if inspiration strikes. I will write down intriguing headlines for a topic I’m working on or even clever quotes. There are times where I have an idea for an awesome opening paragraph or conclusion that I need to get out of my head asap. The Notes App is quick and easy to use. You can even use dictation within it and transcribe it later.You are also able to attach photos to your notes and even sketch a quick doodle in it as well. It’s handy for those of you who don’t keep a sketchbook with you at all times....which I still don't understand.
4. Mind Maps
What do you do when you have a lot of ideas and struggle listing them out cleanly in an organized outline? You resort to the secret power of Mind Mapping.Currently Keith Tatum, a.k.a. TheTypeHunter makes some of the best mind maps around and even has a video on how to get started. Check him out if you want to learn more.Mind maps teach you how to see your thoughts and connect them together. They bridge your mind with the paper.The majority of my blog posts stem from creating a mindmap. If I’m on the go I’ll make a mini mind map in my sketchbook or will use a larger notebook or sheet of paper that I can find around.Mind maps are great ways to have a polarizing topic while branching out interconnecting webs from the center. It’s a visual way of capturing your ideas and laying an outline for that drawing or writing intensive project you've been struggling with.
5. Writing
Writing has been the #1 source of all my recent success and is something I’ve been implementing into my daily morning routine.One thing I’ve been trying to do if I have a great topic come to mind is to start writing immediately. I just want to do a brain dump of everything circling in my head.There are wireless bluetooth keyboards that can connect to your phone that I’m looking into. However, if I can avoid my Notes App, I’m definitely jumping on my computer. I use iA Writer for all my writing. It’s a word processing machine that uses syntax settings, formats, and statistics with the goal of keeping you focused with less distractions. There is a night and day mode along with a writing and proofing mode.You can write in mark down which significantly speeds things up. You can export to html and paste that bad boy right into your blog. Overall, this program is a beast and helps me crush blog posts.
6. White Board
I installed a white board in my office not too long ago. When my goals, wants and needs fluctuate month by month, I log all my updates on this white board. This is where I keep myself accountable because I see it every day.I’ve mentioned in a previous post that the best feeling is getting to cross that completed goal off the white board. It’s very empowering.I believe the most important information you think of needs to go on a white board to serve as a daily reminder. You need to be able to see it!
7. Aqua Notes
Alright, this is the game changer.I got this idea from a friend and it’s been a blessing. How many times have you had an idea while you’re in the shower only to let that idea go down the drain?You don’t need to answer this because I already know its a lot.Well I listen to a ton of podcasts when I shower and I keep these water proof notes in the shower with me. Anytime I have that lightbulb idea, I sketch it down. I can’t tell you how many times this has bailed me out.You can find Aqua Notes on Amazon!
8. Sticky Notes
Alright, many of use sticky notes for a quick idea. I used to for everything until I started evolving my methods.While they can be good for a quick idea, they are so easy to lose. The worst is when you don’t want to lose your idea, but then you lose your sticky note.Use them when you’re in a bind at the day job, otherwise make sure you’re using a better resource everywhere else. Be prepared.
9. Scrap
When worse comes to worse, find the closest thing around you to write that idea down on. I’m not scared to ask a stranger, waitress, bartender, police officer, or pizza delivery guy for a piece of paper to capture that thought.What’s the worse they will do, judge me???Psh… I’d rather have that money idea safe and sound while taking on some weird looks. It’s whatever.Scrap paper should ALWAYS BE A LAST RESORT.
Funnel Your Ideas
So you’re good at capturing ideas, but now you have so many tactics that your ideas are spread apart. You can't remember where you keep everything.Okay, so I’m guilty of this one and it’s something I have been improving at.You need to find a way to funnel them all together.When I sketch ideas out, they need to go into my mini sketchbook. When I need to write something on the go, it needs to go into my Notes App and eventually transfers into my iA Writer where I can elaborate on the topic. Any time I sketch on something else like say my Aqua Notes, I will rip it off then redraw that idea in my mini sketchbook.I need to be able to source an idea and know exactly where it’s at. Otherwise the probability of you losing or forgetting it sky rockets.
Key Takeaways
Creatives need to have an inspiration bank to withdraw from
A true artist will always carry a sketchbook by their side
You can’t be consistent living a day-to-day routine of creating from scratch
Some of your best work will come from stopping what you’re doing so you can jot down an idea
Organization and tidiness promote breeding grounds for creativity
Collecting your ideas should be a mindless ritual
Funnel all your collected ideas into a single source
Not organizing your ideas will result in losing and forgetting them
Capturing your ideas will help you have an inspiration bank that you can withdraw from. We as aspiring creatives need to have our content prepared and planned out, it’s impossible to sustain consistency working day-to-day off spontaneous inspiration.Take a minute and analyze how you capture ideas. Are you a victim of any of the aforementioned scenarios? Are you guilty of losing track of your ideas because you have them spread out everywhere?This week I challenge you to go out and get a pocket sized sketchbook. You're not allowed to leave the house without it along with a writing utensil of course. When an idea comes to mind, capture it and jot it down. If you want to have people like me take you serious you need to carry one by your side.Be prepared and take control of your creative ventures. Don’t say I haven’t warned you because I won’t feel sorry for you when you lose that million dollar idea.-If you have found value in this post, you can share this or join my weekly newsletter. As part of my team, you have direct access to me for questions and advice. Your input will allow me to keep these post focused solely on delivering you value on the pressing issues you struggle with the most. My mission is to help and grow along with you.