Change Your Perspective & Discover the Life You Desire
The 4 Pillars of How to Get What You Want in Life
The fastest way to discover the life you desire is to change your perspective.Are you living a life of purpose or watching it pass you by from a distance?The life you wish you were living is out there but you are:
stuck in a mindless routine
living out someone else's dream
blaming the world for your circumstances
letting fear paralyze you from taking action
My job is to convince you that you deserve to live a fulfilled life -- you deserve to be happy with what you do.You will be dead a lot longer than you’ll ever be alive so you deserve to live a life of doing what you love.To change your perspective you must:
be the creative force
have a vision of what you want
strategically goal set
take action and execute
These are the 4 Pillars which make it possible to achieve everything you want in life.
1. Be the Creative Force
Who’s in control of your life?The way you’re currently living is a matter of choice.Your decisions are the reasons you are wherever you are but you have the power to change this. Stop living out someone else’s script and stop playing the victim of your circumstances.Take control — become the creative force in your life.[perfectpullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="1c1c1c" class="" size="32"]You are the only person who lives 100% of your life— not your parents, not your spouse, and certainly not your friends. Take ownership of your decisions as they dictate future success.[/perfectpullquote]As the creative force, the only things you can control are:
your happiness
your attitude
your work ethic
how you handle adversity
how you treat others
Let go of the outside variables beyond your control as they will only serve as distractions.Taking control allows you to understand what you want in life. You’re able to turn that dream into a vision.
2. Have a Vision of What You Want
Discover the Life You Desire: Change Your Perspecitve
What do you really want in life?In order to get to where you want to be in life you have to know exactly what you want — you need to have a vision.There is a difference between a dream and a vision. One teases the mind while the other prepares it.Dreams are a place to start; where fantasy and imagination roam free creating wishful scenarios in your head. Visions are when reality kicks in and you understand that in order to achieve your dream, you need to setup a strategic plan of action.Figuring out what you want lies within finding your sweet spot. This is the place where you are equally good at what you love to do.This involves finding your greatest strengths and combining them with your passion. The intersection of the two creates the space where you can manifest a vision of the life you desire. A space where you can get what you want.This is your life’s calling where you will find your significance. Having this vision is great but it will remain a dream without a proper goal setting strategy.[button open_new_tab="true" color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="" text="View the Case Study" color_override=""]
3. Strategic Goal Setting
How will you get to where you want to be?You’ve probably set many goals before but do you understand why you failed to reach them?The reason you failed before is because your goals were too vague and you didn’t write them down to hold you accountable. To get to where you want to be you need to write S.M.A.R.T. goals that align to your vision.Setting a S.M.A.R.T. goal is something that is:
S = specific (what exactly do you want to achieve?)
M = measurable (how are you able to track your progress?)
A = actionable (what steps will allow you to reach this goal?)
R = realistic (what’s the reality of you being able to reach the goal?)
T = time-bound (when exactly will you meet this goal?)
Writing specific goals and putting them where you'll see them everyday is how you will be able to execute them and get what you want.
4. Take Action & Execute
How badly do you want it?If you want something badly enough you will overcome the fear and the obstacles holding you back. In order to get something you’ve never had before you have to be willing to do something you’ve never done.[perfectpullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="1c1c1c" class="" size="32"]Michael Jordan stated, “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”[/perfectpullquote]Those who make it happen execute on their vision and goals. They realize they are in control and they release themselves from the victim mindset.You can’t achieve the life you desire by sitting back and hoping something will happen. It doesn’t work that way. It requires effort, discipline, sacrifice, and perseverance.Any one can have an idea, but that idea or wishful thought you have is worthless without taking action and execution.
Live the Life You Envision
What are you waiting for?You owe it to yourself and to the world to change your perspective and become the best version of you. By passively existing in life, you’re not only disappointing those around you but you’re letting down the future version of yourself.You’ll never know what it truly means to be alive and fulfilled. You’ll go to the grave full of “what ifs” and “I wishes”.Each day you give up on the life you desire, you will end up working for someone who didn’t.How dare you let that opportunity slip through your hands. How dare you live out someone else’s life.Don’t live a life of regret. It’s your life and you are the creative force.Change your perspective and get what you deserve.It’s right there in front of you; what are you waiting for?
Key Takeaways
take control — become the creative force in your life
you are the only person who lives 100% of your life
to get to where you want to be you need a vision
figuring out what you want lies within finding your sweet spot
the sweet spot is the intersection of your greatest strengths and passion
write S.M.A.R.T. goals and put them where you'll see them everyday
to get something you’ve never had you have to do something you’ve never done
Discover the Life You Desire with this Visual Reminder
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