Elevate Your Circle of Influencers: 9 Ways to Level Up Quickly
Elevate your circle of influencers and become the best version of yourself
Elevate Your Circle of Influencers: 9 Ways to Level Up Quickly
In order to level up and elevate your current circumstances, you must first elevate your circle of influencers – meaning you need to surround yourself with people who can challenge you and advise you from experience.So you have great ideas, big dreams and realistic goals yet you seem to be getting nowhere. You feel alone in your journey and the thought of leveling up and reaching your goals seems impossible right?I’ve been in your shoes and there were plenty of days where I felt stuck and ready to quit. I had no one to turn to for help and I was surrounded by people who were dragging me down.Looking back on this now makes me feel like I’ve subconsciously always known the answer.Remember when your parents told you that they didn’t want you hanging around the wrong crowd of people?What they really meant was that they wanted you to hang around the right crowd of people.This is the right crowd your parents were talking about![pullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="#1C1C1C" class="" size="32"]Jim Rohn states “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."[/pullquote]This means the only influencers you should let in your life are those who will help you grow. You will inevitably begin to think and act like these people.So what kind of characteristics should you look for in these influencers?
The Right Type of People
From my experience, I’ve realized the following qualities are what I look for in people who I attach myself too. I can guarantee you these kinds of people will help you level up quickly.Be Around People:
1. Who Are Where You Want to Be
One of the best ways to do something you’ve never done before is to model it off someone who has already accomplished it.Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help -- these people were once in your shoes and needed help to get to where they wanted to be. You’d be surprised who will answer and how that can turn into a relationship.
2. Who Inspire You
Surround yourself with those who motivate you to take action in your life.Inspiration is everywhere, but you have to be looking for it. Seek out those who inspire you and model yourself after them with your own unique touch.
3. Who Are Grateful
Being around those who practice gratitude is an infectious feeling. Surround yourself with those who are modest and thankful for what they have -- this will enable you to adapt that mindset.They’ll help you understand that there is always enough and what you have in life is plenty. Strive to become more, not to have more.
4. Who Excite You
An amazing quality in an individual that is overlooked is their ability to make you excited for what you have going on in your life.Who do you know that leaves you ready to take on the world when you’re done talking to them?
5. Who Invest in themselves
The most successful people are the ones who invest in themselves. They are ones who take care of their bodies – mentally, physically and spiritually.These people devote time into molding their mindset and actions to becoming the best versions of themselves.
6. Who Consume Daily Positive Content
This is an extension off people who invest in themselves.Those who consume daily positive content understand the concept that you become what you consume. You in turn speak, think and write yourself into existence.Those who consume mindfully are the ones who grow the quickest as they invest in their personal development.
7. Who Give Constructive Criticism
You’ve already capped your potential if you think your work is great. You must surround yourself with those who aren’t afraid to point out your flaws in a constructive manner.You can’t be around people who tell you you’re great all the time -- you need people with integrity who will rip your work with your best intentions in mind.
8. Who Hold You Accountable
It’s easy to let yourself off the hook when something isn’t convenient. It’s easy to forgive yourself and move on and that’s why you aren’t getting to where you want to be in life.It’s tough to do it alone and it’s imperative to surround yourself with people who know how to hold you accountable. Knowing you are letting someone down other than yourself will help you stay on task.
9. Who Are Committed
It’s easy for someone to hold you accountable because they have experience of holding themselves accountable. This is done through self-discipline or from meeting with others who keep them accountable.People who are committed to showing up and doing what’s most important even when it’s not convenient will help you learn how to do the same.
Level Up and Become the Best Version of Yourself
When you seek to elevate your circle of influencers, the overall focus is to find people who will help you become the best version of yourself.This is how you level up.If you see yourself as a level 2 in your drawing skills, you need to find people who are a level above you that you can learn from. If you can’t learn from a level 8–10 directly, find someone who is on level 3–5 and soak up their wisdom.Repeat this process as you grow.This philosophy of leveling up applies to all facets in life.It’s hard to find growth when you're doing it alone -- and it's easy to fall of and throw in the towel. I want you to understand that you deserve to be happy and achieve your goals. You have to elevate your circle of influencers.Elevate your circle of influencers and you’ll elevate the circle of people you can influence and give value to.Strive to be someone that others want to surround themselves with and focus on improving each day.This week, I challenge you to reach out to someone who can help you grow within a department you're struggling with. Shoot them a simple email or DM and don't get discouraged. Keep reaching out to people and it will pay off!Are you ready to start leveling up?
Key Takeaways
to level up, you must elevate your circle of influence
surround yourself with people who can challenge you and advise you from experience
you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with
the only influencers you should let in your life are those who will help you grow
to do something you’ve never done by modeling it off someone who has
strive to become more, not to have more
knowing you are letting someone down other than yourself will help you stay on task
commitment allows you to show up when it’s not convenient
Here’s a shameless plug that doesn’t help me but will benefit you if you're open minded.I joined the seanwes community in May of 2015 because I was lost and alone. I had the drive but lacked a vision and direction.I met many of these people at Creative South and immediately understood that these were my type of people. It was a community of critical thinkers who challenged the status quo.I got access to not only Sean McCabe and his staff, but an open chat room with people all over the world who are available at any time to offer you advice.These are the people you’re parents want you to surround yourself with no matter what level you’re on – beginner, intermediate or advanced.Join the community and stop trying to do it by yourself.-Are you receiving value in this post and find that you have questions in regards to finding your creative purpose? Your input and questions are what I build my content around so by joining my team, you have direct access to me for questions and advice. Your struggle will not only allow me to keep this focused on delivering targeted value, but can also help others who deal with your same issues. Let's grow together.