Refuse to Go to the Grave with Regret
Do You Want to Live a Life of Regret?
Are you full of experiences and could say you live life to the fullest or do you hold yourself back and live a life of regret?
Are You Living Your Fears or Your Dreams?
Picture yourself on your death bed, nearing your final days. You’re in deep reflection looking back on your life, weighing the great experiences vs. the moments of regret.Judging by how you presently live, what side would hold more weight?Are you full of experiences and could say you lived life to the fullest or did you hold yourself back and live a life full of missed opportunities?If you are like me, you spent a majority of your life holding yourself back which results in painful, nostalgic memories leaving you begging for a redo. The overbearing thoughts of what ifs and I wishes angers me to my core.However, the new me is determined to make a life living while facing the unexpected. I refuse to be in a position where I go to the grave full of regret and here’s why you should too.
Experience Life on Your Own Terms
Do You Want to Live a Life of Regret?
Sure you can be happy and content just coming home from work and consuming hours of tv -- but is that truly living? You were created to accomplish and contribute something of value to this world.In order to experience what life has to offer, you must take actionand break free from the reactive mindset. However, action results in change and change can spawn fear.The pursuit of happiness is our God given right, yet most of us get in our own way due to this fear brought on by change. Fear is your biggest enemy as it robs your current and future self of happiness and joy. It paralyzes you and puts you in a position where you passively exist in a shell of yourself.You’ll never truly experience what you are capable of becoming because you throw in the towel and let self-doubt and pity drown you.You are not a victim and it’s time to start acting like you’re in control.Looking back on life you will surely regret the times you passed on the opportunities that could’ve sparked a chain reaction and gave life to your passion. I can vividly remember several occasions and I refuse to let that happen anymore.All those times I was too scared to take on a project, to put myself out there, to speak my opinion. Those days are a distant memory as I will seize every opportunity that comes my way and I implore you do to do the same.You'll never know what could've came from attempting something outside of your comfort -- all you'll have is the haunting thoughts of "what could've came from that missed opportunity?"[pullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="#1C1C1C" class="" size="32"]“If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.” - Nora Roberts[/pullquote]
Refuse to Regret
As you read the conclusion, I want you to ask yourself, “What is it you want in life and are you willing to go to your grave full of regret?”If you don’t care then feel free to move on and passively exist in life. Make a dent in your couch and approach each day with a reactive mindset.If you do care, start taking control and face your fears.Where you are afraid will provide the most powerful value to the world and this is where the most growth resides.Take control of your life and stop wishing and hoping.Make it happen and die being content with what you've accomplished in your existence.