Save the Emotions for Your Art—Stay Objective With Your Biz (Pt. 6 of 6)
Intro & Overview
We’re back with part 6 of this 6-part series around the theme of “Your ‘23 Plan of Attack—A Year of Explosive Growth”
This is the final installment of this series as it sets you up to crush the ‘23 Q1 Boot Camp which is open for registration today!
Our first call takes place Saturday, Jan. 14th and we finish up strong with a bonus guest expert training call Friday, Feb. 3rd.
This 3-week group coaching workshop is all about getting clear on WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and HOW you'll make it happen.
In the meantime, soak up all the face-melting value leading up to the first Boot Camp of the New year
Note: Click the image to watch the replay. Continue below to read the blog.
Click to watch the Instagram Live Training Replay
Control Your Emotions
Wifey and I did a quick one-week trial of Apple TV recently so we could binge our new favorite show, Ted Lasso (dude is my hero).
Over this past weekend, we found a video for the kiddos to watch on it called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.
I heard this quote from Charlie Mackesy, the Mole, mid-way in the movie that struck me:
“One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.”
Think about it for a second.
We’re highly emotional creatures…
We often tend to react emotionally within the moment—AKA we can act like big babies and toddlers sporadically.
I’m an extremely emotional, sensitive dude—I can take things personally and am also a recovering people pleaser.
So know that what I have to say today comes from a lot of introspection over the years and the mindset work I’ve done on myself and with students.
I’ve had multiple talks on “curbing or emotions” recently with students I adore.
They get so stuck in their head and paralyzed at times because they’re wrapped up in things that are outside of their control.
Their emotions get the better of them.
It causes them to gain traction, then go off-course and radio silent.
It makes them use negatively charged language and play the victim on social media.
It puts them in a position where they’re ready to quit when they didn’t give themselves a fair shot.
When you operate from an emotionally driven reactionary state, it’s extremely difficult to put yourself on the path to thriving full-time doing your thing.
Running your own business requires being objective, calculated, sensible…
All while learning how to balance cautionary risks with rewards.
To me, this is the difference between a hobbyist who operates off emotion, opposed to a professional who’s objective.
I’m not saying there’s no room for that emotional state within your work—in fact you need it within your creative business.
I love the quote recently that I heard from the most successful artist within the Solana NFT space, John Le.
After a huge project leader was catching mad shade and speaking erratically via Tweets…
John simply showed his support and finished by saying: “Save the emotions for your art.”
Wow…that simple sentence articulated everything I’ve been planting into my student’s beautiful, bright brains.
I admit, I heavily rely on my gut at times when making a decision, but that’s a different message from what I’m sharing today.
I’m referring specifically to the external negative situations that affect your productivity and quality of life.
Like when things out of your control tear you down to the point you can’t focus on chasing your creative spark.
Emotional States to Overcome
Here are the emotional states I work on with my students to overcome within their business:
Imposter syndrome.
The comparison trap (envy + jealousy).
Obsessing over vanity metrics (engagement + followers).
Analysis paralysis (the art of overthinking).
FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt).
Navigating haters and negativity.
Showing up only when it’s convenient.
Becoming boastful and cocky after a win.
Letting the ego take the wheel (“My art will do the talking”).
The majority of these situations are outside of our control—focusing all our finite time, energy, and bandwidth on these WON’T serve us.
They only hold our sick, juicy gains hostage and deter us away from the full-time creative dream.
While some of these are ego-centric and things we can control so we don’t leave a bad taste in others’ mouths.
The goal is to never get too high or too low—we gotta train ourselves to ride the even frequency wave.
Emotional States to Nurture
Instead, I work on the following areas with my students to pour their emotions into:
Humanizing themselves within their work.
Not hiding, being vulnerable, and sharing their story.
Using their art as a vehicle for pain, adversity, and expression (The Alchemy of Art).
Copywriting and creating psychological triggers.
Selling something they believe in (an idea, piece of art, product/service, etc.).
Being inspired and motivated internally and externally.
Making an impact on those they care about.
Celebrating others’ wins.
Practicing self-care for sustainability and longevity.
Again, I’m not saying creatives should be emotionless robots programmed solely to build and chase profits.
What I’m saying is there should be a clear separation of objectivity and emotion within our creative biz pursuits.
Save the emotions for your art.
Save the objectivity for the foundation of your business that moves the needle forward like structure, systems, discipline, habits, routines, processes, risks, etc.
There’s a balance you begin to find as you slowly rewire your mind within your creative grind.
Mastery overnight isn’t possible—but self-awareness and improvement in the emotional I.Q. department of 1% daily and weekly is possible.
The art of becoming a professional is a mindset you nurture and build brick-by-brick.
You literally pave the path to taking your dream full-time as your practice this.
Unlocking Your Biggest Year of Growth
How can separating emotions from your creative biz help you gain the most traction in 2023 and beyond?
What would a year of progress look like if you channel your emotions into your work?
If you’re looking to take the next intentional step forward in exploding your creative business…
The Side Hustler’s Boot Camp was designed specifically for you.
It’ll put you in a position to operate like a professional and unlock your biggest year of growth to date…
All while working around your chaotic lifestyle of working a day job, family responsibilities, etc.
Want to work together? 🤝
Consider learning more below about how to join an upcoming 3-Week Boot Camp. 👇🏻
The Side Hustler's Boot Camps are quarterly 3-Week Group Coaching Workshops that provide you a year’s worth of measurable growth, support, and accountability…
Or they’re available as one-off sessions to tackle the biggest struggles in your creative pursuits.
These are for creatives, freelancers, content creators, and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to build their brand/biz creating work they love.
Expect challenging exercises, a private community, 3 weekly live calls, and more.
Learn More and Join the Waitlist for updates + 1st dibs at enrollment.