How to Set & Shoot at Intentional Targets in 2023 (Pt. 3 of 6)
Intro & Overview
We’re back with part 3 of this 6-part series around the theme of “Your’ 23 Plan of Attach—A Year of Explosive Growth”.
You can’t expect big results to come your way if you’re guessing what moves to make, right?!
This will be an ongoing theme building off itself each week as I progress into the ‘23 Q1 Boot Camp which opens for enrollment Wednesday, January 4th, 9 AM CT.
This session will take place Saturday, Jan. 14th through Friday, Feb. 3rd.
This 3-week group coaching workshop is all about getting clear on WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and HOW you'll make it happen.
In the meantime, soak up all the face-melting value leading up my final Boot Camp
Note: Click the image to watch the replay. Continue below to read the blog.
Click to watch the Instagram Live Training Replay
Lacking Intention = Lacking Results
I’ve been slipping the past few weeks—specifically on Mondays.
Things have been chaotic with lots going on during the weekends throughout the Holidays.
Wifey is in “nesting” mode so there are a ton of random house projects as we prep for baby #3 to arrive in ~3 months.
This has meant a lot of later nights with not as much sleep.
(Like staying up to 3am building a million shelves in our house for extra storage. 😅)
I’ve been so exhausted Sunday nights, I didn’t set myself up to crush it the next day.
By not having a plan going into a Monday, let alone a new work week…
I find myself scrambling the entire week because I’ve failed to do one thing…
Show up with intention.
Not showing up with intention means draggin’ ass in the mornings and stumbling into my top priority for the day.
One of the biggest things I work on with my students is to always plan your attack the night before.
That way, you know exactly what to work on the next day to reduce guesswork and flopping around like a lost fish.
(Clearly, I’m far from perfect—but 90% of the time I’m pretty dialed in.)
Ideally, on a Sunday, you’d have an idea of the main thing you need to do for both Monday AND the entire week—but that’s a different conversation to dive deeper into within a future 3-Week Boot Camp.
Thankfully, I can the correct course pretty quickly when I catch myself slipping.
However, I definitely waste a lot of time by not having a dialed-in attack the night before.
If I struggle to get the motor going with just one day of not being intentional…
I couldn’t imagine how much progress and results I’d be leaving on the table by not being intentional each week, month, or year.
This is one of the biggest fears I’ve had since the early days of this being a side hustle.
Looking back on a year of no intentional, measurable growth in a focused direction terrifies me.
Being in the same spot is scary—yet most people settle and just embrace this lack of growth as the norm.
The majority of creatives I talk to are simply rolling out of bed and winging it each day.
They don’t know what they want.
They struggle to figure out what to work on.
They hope and wish for something to happen with the random effort they put in.
Then they get frustrated when they don’t see progress comparing their lack of results to people in their feeds.
Most creatives are missing “intention” behind what they do—they show up by accident.
Imagine Being a Donkey
Stick with me here, but what if we viewed ourselves as donkeys?
A donkey isn’t going to move in a focused direction when it doesn’t have that carrot dangling in front of it.
They’re going to wander and frolic in the fields foraging on grass and shit wishing it was a carrot.
We gotta give ourselves a carrot to chase. 🥕
Give yourself bonus points for having someone in your corner guiding you toward the goal—like a coach and community to hold you accountable.
Being intentional means having a target.
It’s better to miss shooting at a target like a professional than to blindly shoot at nothing like a hobbyist.
It’s powerful to have a defined result to chase before you pursue something.
Why do you show up each day—what are you working toward?
Are you looking to attract a specific opportunity? (E.g., client, speaking opportunity, etc.)
Are you looking to improve your craft? (E.g., lettering, photography, animation, etc.)
Are you creating a space for play and experimentation? (E.g., a season of pursuing a new interest without pressure to monetize.)
It’s hard to see results when you don’t know the desired results you’re seeking.
(IMO, it’s MORE than chasing a desired amount of money or social media following.)
It's about getting to the core of WHAT you’re doing and WHY—this will determine your next moves.
Taking daily action that aligns with your main mission is the name of the side hustle game.
Otherwise, it’ll probably forever remain a hobby.
Do Less, But Better
You better believe that if having intention rolling into a Monday is insanely important to me…
Imagine how I treat coming into a New Year with laser-focused intention.
My main intention going into 2023 is pretty simple:
To do less, but better.
It’s literally my same ongoing “New Year’s Resolution/Habit” for the past 5 years.
If I was to dissect this even further, Doing Less, But Better would be:
Simplifying and streamlining what I do…
By delegating and eliminating more of the non-essential…
And saying no to more people and distractions that aren’t serving me…
So I can focus more time to do more of what I love to create and talk about…
So I can work less to be more present with my family.
The path toward simplification gets a smidgen more clear every year.
At the same time, I realize I still have too much going on—it’s a constant battle to simplify.
I’ve learned the hard way that success doesn’t lie in addition…
It resides in subtraction which has always been a kryptonite for me.
What’s Your 2023 Intention?
Now, let’s pivot to see if you can clearly answer this top-level question…
What’s your single intention going into 2023? 🤔
If you could thrive in one area of focus, how would that make the entire next year a success?
For me, if I don’t have a (flexible) plan, then I’m planning to fail.
Imagine if you confidently dreamed out loud your big-picture targets that once felt out of reach…
And set up a realistic plan of action to make them a reality.
Would you be more excited and focused to show up each day to execute?
From my experience, that’s how rapid, measurable results happen.
If that’s what you’re seeking, that’s exactly why I designed the Side Hustler’s Boot Camp.
In 21 days, you’ll put yourself in a position to have an explosive year of measurable growth…
All with a powerful, yet entertaining group coaching setting filled with 3x weekly live calls (with replays), weekly challenging exercises, a private community, plus opportunities for direct 1:1 coaching with me!
Learn more and join the waitlist below for first dibs at enrolling at 👇🏻
Because the goal should be at the end of each year and look back on measurable growth.
The Side Hustler's Boot Camps are quarterly 3-Week Group Coaching Workshops that provide you a year’s worth of measurable growth, support, and accountability…
Or they’re available as one-off sessions to tackle the biggest struggles in your creative pursuits.
This is for any creator, freelancer, or aspiring entrepreneur who wants to build their brand/biz creating work they love.
Expect challenging exercises, a private community, 3 weekly live calls, and more.
Learn More and Join the Waitlist for updates + 1st dibs at enrollment.