The Sweet Spot: Finding Your Passion
The Sweet Spot: Finding Your Passion
Making it Possible to Do What You Love
What would you be doing today if you weren't promised tomorrow? What sets your soul on fire and lights you up with passion?
You're living for the weekends. You dread the Monday mornings because you hate the work you do. You lack an ounce of motivation and have nothing to look forward to the each day.This is the only life you know because this is the life you choose.Staying in this space will leave you feeling drained, exhausted and far less than significant. This will not only continue to chip away at your happiness, but you are wasting your potential and leaving something on the table.You will go to your death bed full of regret and you don’t deserve this.Now imagine this – you go to bed each night excited for what tomorrow brings. You love going to work because you do something that fuels you. You’re overflowing with motivation that you need to share it with others. You don’t have time to envy others because what you have going on can’t get any better.Wouldn’t you like to live a life like this?This life is possible but you’re not searching for it. You’re not believing in it. If you put in the effort and follow these steps, I assure that you will begin to find that living out your passion is possible as I am living proof. I’m applying everything I share with you and am seeing my life transform.Last week I shared the process towards finding your greatest strengths. This week I share the process of finding your passion so you can combine it with your strengths to locate the intersecting sweet spot.These steps are:
Approaching With the Right Perspective
Write What You Love
Pretend Money is of No Concern
Be an Anomaly
Let’s get started.
1. Approaching With the Right Perspective
Life is cruel. It will deal you multiple blows and knock you on the ground. It will leave you feeling hopeless and helpless, making it feel impossible to get back on your feet. It will submit you to a lifestyle where you're back is against a wall and you're afraid to fight your way out. My goal is to pull you out of this place, but you have to want it for yourself. I can't want it for you.You have to fight for what you love to do. You can’t go into this with a skeptic attitude and a closed mind -- you will immediately limit your opportunities and your potential. You can’t find your passion if you believe it doesn’t exist.Quit feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it. No one wants to support someone who throws a pity party — you see enough of this on Facebook and you’re immediately blocked and unfriended in my world. I have no time for negativity if you’re not wanting help.However, life can be beautiful. Life can be so giving and purposeful. When you stop feeling sorry for yourself and pursue your passion, good things will manifest. Having a perspective that you deserve to find something you love will help you attract what you want. People are attracted to and support those who pursue something they believe in. You've notified the universe of what you desire and it will start sending signals your way -- your job is to recognize these signals.I know this sounds crazy but when pursuing this path, you will get signs and pick up on pulses that will keep pointing you in the right direction. You have to put your trust in that there is something out there for you.
2. Write What You Love
Make a Venn Diagram and list your greatest strengths on the left and your passions on the right.
I told you last week writing is the most powerful form of turning what you envision into something visible to take action on. We speak, think and write ourselves into existence so writing is a form of making our dreams come to life.Similar to last week, I want you to schedule an allotted amount of time where you can thoroughly list out moments in your life where you found true happiness in what you were doing. What made you feel the most alive? What energized you and made you overwhelmed with satisfaction? These are the moments you are looking for and you will write these on the right side of the overlapping circles that you created last week.Another thing to note when listing possible passions is that they are not always discovered but can be developed from investing time into your strengths and developing your talents. The strengths that you listed in last weeks exercise can be performed with excellence over time and developed into your life's work. It won't always be a light bulb moment when you recognize it, but one day you may inquire a burning desire and spawn something you can't live without. So I encourage you to to write out things that derive from your strengths.Once you’ve compiled a list, you may find that many of these things are quite different. That’s when you need to put them under an umbrella and find the root passion underlying in them.For example, I felt most alive when I was coaching youth athletes in football, personal training people to reach their fitness goals, and producing art that inspired people to take action. All three are very different worlds yet they all fell under the umbrella of helping others achieve success.For some, finding passion may be evident after this task, yet others may struggle as they are blinded by a desire for something else.
3. Pretend Money Doesn’t Exist
If you’re struggling to write those moments of peak happiness, you could be restrained by your love and need for money.I used to feel that being financially taken care of comes before peace of mind and happiness. I’ve worked so many jobs just for the money and never once enjoyed a minute of it. The love of money blinded me from seeking happiness and I felt drained. It made me feel like I shouldn't enjoy my work.Money can buy you happiness in the sense of experiences, but I’m talking about living out a daily life of self-fulfillment by doing what you love.[pullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="" class="" size=""]Pursuing money as a passion can discern your mental well-being and set you up for fatigue. You put yourself in a lifelong contract of exchanging your valuable time and happiness for a paycheck. You are most likely earning your income on someone else’s terms.[/pullquote]In order to break the thought of money as a passion, I stumbled across an idea of playing out a scenario of you being a billionaire. You are free to pursue whatever your heart desires as money is of no concern to you.What would you love to do? What would make you feel alive if you weren’t chasing money? Think from a different perspective and write out your passions.Thinking of money as a secondary consideration puts you in a position to find your significance and make money on your own terms.
4. Be an Anomaly
The Sweet Spot: Finding Your Passion
Maybe you know your passion yet you still are holding yourself back.You are groomed your entire life to feel the pressure of conforming to the status quo. We’re never coached that we can make a living off doing what we love. We’re never taught that you can fail forward into something that works. We’re never motivated to risk it for the biscuit. :)When you catch a glimpse of the potential of doing what you love, you instantly become an anomaly. You are deviating from the normal expectations and outside forces will try to derail you.The world is filled with these derailing voices. Voices of hate, envy, greed and fear that will try to restrain you from pursuing your passion. Don’t let your inner voice be drowned out by the noise of other’s opinions or your own self-doubt. You deserve to do what you love and that’s the key to doing great work.Once you start believing in yourself, you are able to silence the voice in your head and tune out all the outside critics. You realize just because someone else doesn’t believe in you that doesn’t mean you can’t make this work. The reason they doubt you is because they don’t believe it would work for them.People want to drag you down to their level. They don’t appreciate anomalies because they wish they were you. They wish they weren’t paralyzed by the fear of doing what they love.Disregard these voices and embrace being an anomaly.
What Are You Passionate About?
My life is changing at a rapid pace and the more I believe in myself the more the universe keeps rewarding me. I share this with you because I used to feel hopeless, but now I am hopeful. I’m simply more committed to my self-fulfillment and freedom than staying attached to the hip of status quo.Seeing my passion is easy now, it's been developed from my strengths of art an building relationships. It contains one underlying motive which is helping people like you.I feel most alive when I help someone like you get what you want in life and reach your potential. It sets my soul on fire helping someone win as I too am victorious -- I'm on your team and I want you to be great. This is why I blog, teach and speak as I believe this is where my sweet spot lies. This is the intersection of where my passion and greatest strengths meet.My life's mission is to help you get to this level. I believe you have what it takes and I am certain that you deserve it. When you implement last week and this weeks instructions, you are primed to find your sweet spot. You have to search and believe!Key Takeaways:
Your passion is something that makes you feel alive
You can’t find your passion if you believe it doesn’t exist
People are attracted to those who pursue something they believe in
We speak, think and write ourselves into existence
Passions aren't always discovered, but developed
Working on your strengths and developing your talent can spark a passion
Don’t exchange your valuable time and happiness for a paycheck
Pursuing passions allows you to make money on your own terms
Just because someone can’t doesn’t mean you can’t
You need to rethink what you’re doing here on this Earth. You're going to be dead a lot longer than you'll be alive so you must live your life with a purpose.This week I challenge you to challenge yourself. What would you be doing today if tomorrow wasn't promised? What sets your soul on fire? Write these things out as we head into next week when I describe what living in your sweet spot looks like.
Do You Want to Learn How to Build an Online Audience?
This post is an overview of the 1st Key of the 3 Keys to Building an Online Audience Guide that I am working on for you. This guide will teach you how to share your gift, build a brand and attract a loyal following. There's never been a better time to pursue what you love.[button open_new_tab="true" color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="large" url="" text="Show Me How" color_override=""]