Are You a Motivation Junkie?
Motivation Comes from Within & Starts With the Heart
Are You a Motivation Junkie? Only You Can Fix Yourself
Do you consume to get your fix but fail to put in the action? You just may be a motivation junkie.
mo•ti•va•tion junk•ie
One who depends on a daily dose of warm and fuzzy’s to get their temporary fix.
One who expects others to fix them.
One who consumes uplifting content yet never take action.
A friend recently asked me if I thought I was helping people, like literally fixing people. It really made me think for a while as I never wanted to build a perception that I fix people — my short existence on this planet isn't credentialed enough to make this claim.I’m no Zig Ziglar, no Tony Robbins, no Gary Vaynerchuk. These people are on another level compared to me with their life experiences and advice; yet I’m starting to think that these people don’t have a magic formula either.These people serve as pieces of a puzzle for you to figure out how to put yourself together. You are the ultimate puzzle and you are the only one who is capable of fixing yourself.That’s where I want to fit in.
A Piece of the Puzzle
My mission is to serve as another piece of the puzzle that can help you help yourself.Let me clearly state that I fully understand my content isn’t for everyone and I accept that. The old me who desired to please everyone is dead as I've grown more realistic.I create the right content, for the right person at the right time.That is it.Any ounce of advice I have ever given has been spoken from my experiences in hopes that maybe if you’re in a similar position, you can draw inspiration from my hardships or victories and apply them to your life.In 27 years, I’ve been through a lot and can relate to many of you out there who:
have a hard time finding the confidence to start something.
find it hard to believe in yourself.
lack the tenacity to keep pushing forward through the face of adversity.
find narrowing your focus and cutting distractions difficult.
My current purpose on this earth’s surface is to share with you how to thrive in doing the work you love.My motives are to teach you the power of saying no to others in your way.My ambition is to show you how to get out of your own way so you can start creating the world you wish to live in.My wish is to encourage you to start fixing yourself.I can’t magically fix you to start doing these things, it has to come from within. If I've given any advice that can be applicable, it’s up to you to take action on it.What I say to you could be important.....
[pullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="#1C1C1C" class="" size="32"]“but what you say to you is far more important than what I or anyone else says to you.” [/pullquote]
I paraphrased that from Zig but it speaks a world of truth. You need to understand the main person holding you back from getting to where you want to be in life is yourself.Once you become self-aware that you’re holding yourself back, you can turn that quick fix into something practical.
A Quick Fix
Are You a Motivation Junkie? Only You Can Fix Yourself
If you’re a motivation junkie, my words may give you that quick fix but it will fade quickly after you close the web browser. As much as I want my words to resonate and help far beyond that — that’s up to you my friend.I want you to ask yourself, are you consuming for a quick, uplifting high or are you actually applying advice that can immediately serve yourself?I consume a daily dose of positive, personal development content from many of the top tier names as well as from many unknown names. I admit I have small traits of a motivation junkie within me due to my high consumption because it’s easier to stay up then it is to get back up from rock bottom.It’s impossible for me to apply it all right away, but I do make the point to re-listen back so I can understand things better. Once I can comprehend and digest everything, I immediately begin taking action on anything and everything that will help me become the best version of myself.A motivation junkie does not apply these tactics.What he or she listens to goes in one ear until their brain gets the quick fix then flows out the other ear. Then it’s back to feeling sorry for themselves until they think it’s time for another dose.Motivation without action is a waste of time. Execution is everything.You have to dig deep within yourself.
It Starts With the Heart
There are so many great resources out there but I’m sorry, you can’t soak up motivation from all these puzzle pieces and expect them to magically put your life together for you.Motivation to change your life comes from within.It starts in your heart and you have to want it bad enough.My words along with the prolific motivational speakers are meant to supplement your tenacity. The motivation supplements your current drive to better yourself; it's not the primary source.This is how I’ve made my greatest strides within a year. I internally wanted to grow and understood the importance of consuming properly and taking action. The more I keep searching for and applying the right material, the more clarity I gain and begin to find the answers to my questions.This could be you.When you’re able to drive yourself, all of this motivational content will build you up and make you stronger. You won’t be dependent on it because you’ve conditioned yourself from the inside out, but it can play a large secondary role to groom you in a position to help others.You can transform into that puzzle piece for someone else and there has been no greater feeling I’ve found that matches it.So I ask you, are you a motivation junkie?Are you stuck in your own way?I can’t fix your problems.Only you can fix yourself.
Key Takeaways
You are the only one who is capable of fixing yourself
What you say to you is far more important than what I or anyone else says to you
The person holding you back from getting to where you want to be in life is yourself
Apply advice that can immediately serve yourself
It’s easier to stay up then it is to get back up
Motivation comes from within and starts with the heart
Motivation without action is a waste of time
Execution is everything
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