Consume Wisely & Attract the Results You Desire
Become the Person You Want to Be By Feeding Your Mind & Taking Action.
Consume Wisely & Attract Results
You’re living in a world that begs for your attention. You consume screens, devices, media, and social networks every day but do you consume wisely?If you want to become the most successful version of yourself, you need to be aware of what you let in your mind. The outer experiences you allow to enter your mind are what shape your inner reality.You become the TV you watch, the music you listen to, the video games you play, and the people you surround yourself with.You attract and become what you consume.Once I realized the power of mindful consumption, I started to attract the results I wanted.I write this to show you how you can become the most successful version of yourself by getting out of your own way and attract results through consumption.
Put Your Mind on Lockdown
“What are you allowing in your mind?”Everything you let in is either assisting you on your journey or is obstructing you from the overall goal – becoming the most successful version of yourself.I strongly feel one way to become the most successful version of yourself is to take an objective approach when analyzing time wasters and time servers.
1. Kill Your Time Wasters
What are you letting in your life that is wasting your time?Many of us spend countless hours on things that bring our lives no value.I’ll admit, I was guilty of this. My life revolved around binge watching Netflix and playing countless hours of video games. I was blind to the fact that I had nothingto show for myself at the end of the day. There was no productivity or progress – just a daily cycle of underachievement and I was a constant complainer because of the quality of life I was living.I’m all for entertainment, it’s essential for your sanity, but what are these things doing to serve you?Everything is good in moderation, but so many people devote a major chunk of their time into these outlets while playing a victim of their circumstances.Get off the couch and hold yourself accountable!Watching a whole season of Breaking Bad in two days isn’t going to make you successful. Soaking up the propaganda on the news can brainwash you with hate (the U.S. political campaign). Listening to garbage music and hanging around negative influences every day can hold you back…..and that’s your fault.Everything you choose to let in your life that’s not getting you to where you want to be needs to be reanalyzed. I’m not saying cut it all out and by no means am I perfect; I enjoy an episode here and there or an “unapproved by mom song” in the gym, but my goals will not be sacrificed by over consumption of time wasters.
2. Increase Your Time Servers
What do you consume that servesyou and your mission?Do you:
Listen to positive content on podcasts and audiobooks?
Read books on personal development, business, etc.?
Take care of your health by working out or eating right?
Surround yourself with driven, goal oriented individuals?
What and who you let in your life will shape who you become. This is why I’m so adamant to consume wisely so you can attract the results you desire.A practical approach towards mindful consumption is to locate one time waster and substitute it with a time server which builds a more self-developing habit. I guarantee you will start seeing results in your performance within the first week of applying this.For example, maybe you spend all day listening to music at work. Music can be great, but if you have dreams of being an entrepreneur you could consume business podcasts throughout the day instead.I’d say the biggest catalyst towards my growth this past year was my discovery of podcasts and appreication for books. I began consuming and applying heavy doses of content like:
personal development
principles and ethics
My "hack" is to fill every void of my day by listening to a podcast or audiobook so there is no excuse not to learn something daily. The key is not be a motivation junkie and to take action on what I feed my mind – and I force feed a lot.
You can find all my consumption resourcespertaining to books and podcastshere.
You Attract What You Consume
Consume Wisely & Attract Results
What you feed your mind attracts similar results and dictates who you become.I want to drill this saying in your head, “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” Letting in constant time wasting garbage every day will lead to constant garbage out – but you can simply reverse this by focusing on “Positive In, Positive Out.”If you’re stuck feeding your mind negative, hopeless thoughts and hanging around the wrong crowd you’re going to attract a life and circle of friends that mimics your consumption.On the other hand, if you intentionally feed your mind wholesome, positive content and hang around people who are driven and goal oriented, you will begin to attract that type of perception along with more of the right crowd.Compare feeding your brain to feeding your body. Your body needs fuel and it will perform depending on what you feed it. Feeding your body garbage like daily fast food, sweets and fats will attract obesity, lack of motivation and poor self-esteem. This affects your performance and overall quality of life.[pullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="#1C1C1C" class="" size="32"]“You must feed your mind even as you feed your body, and to make your mind healthy, you must feed it nourishing, wholesome thoughts.” – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale [/pullquote]When you fuel your body with whole foods and clean eating, you attract health, wellness, boosted energy and endurance while your performance and quality of living dramatically improves. You need the proper fuel to perform your best and your mind like your body needs to be properly fed.Fueling properly will attract that successful vision you have of yourself.
Who Do You Want to Become?
The difference between achievers and wishful thinkers is one party believes, feeds their minds wisely and takes action while the other passively exists and attracts the circumstances they wish to get out of.To become the person you desire, consume wisely and let in the type of influences that will mold you into that identity.I can speak from experience because 3 years ago I was lost and severely underachieving. I had an idea of the person I wanted to become but I wasn’t consuming properly and taking action. I flooded my brain with time wasters and my productivity and lifestyle attracted undesired results. It wasn’t until I started to mindfully control what I let into my mind that things drastically turned around for me.I went from unemployed to landing a great job and starting a business. I went from having no presence to gaining a respectful online audience. I went from having no voice to public speaking at huge conferences like Creative South. This all changed because I consume wisely – and the content I consume attracts the results I desirewith action.Once you harness this power, things will start working in your favor quickly – I promise you.
Consume Wisely & Transform
You have the opportunity to get out of your own way and become the person you envision.Consume wisely and attract the results you desire.
Key Takeaways
The outer experiences you allow to enter your mind are what shape your inner reality.
Don’t sacrifice your goals by polluting your brain with time wasters
Substitute each time waster for a time serving habit of consumption.
What you let in your mind will shape who you become
The content you consume attracts the results you desire with action
Positive in, positive out > Garbage in, garbage out
Achievers believe, consume wisely and take action
This week I challenge you to locate one time waster and substitute it with one habit like listening to a podcast from the list I provide here.How badly do you want to become successful?-Are you receiving value in this post and find that you have questions in regards to finding your creative purpose? Your input and questions are what I build my content around so by joining my team, you have direct access to me for questions and advice. Your struggle will not only allow me to keep this focused on delivering targeted value, but can also help others who deal with your same issues.