How to Stand Out When Creating
3 Reasons to Stop Pleasing Everyone So You Can Stand Out.
How to Stand Out When Creating
Let’s face it; you can’t please everyone no matter how much you try. So how do you stand out when creating?You can follow all the trends and ride the wave of popularity, but you can’t stand out when you’re trying to fit in.Creating for the masses means your work and message will get shuffled in the noise – making it impossible to have your voice heard. Attempting to please every soul on this earth will restrain you from finding your voice.In order to create work that stands out, you must get over the fear of being judged and start creating something that’s different and authentic.Here are three reasons to stop pleasing everyone so you can stand out.
Authenticity > Trends
Sharing my art used to be hard because I worried what others would say about it. I feared being ridiculed and judged.Once I faced the fear and began posting, I stumbled across a new dilemma – the need to create work that pleased because I wanted to fit in so badly.I dealt with anxiety, fear and insecurity that my audience as well as my idols wouldn’t accept me. I killed all authenticity and tailored my work to trends so I could appeal to the masses.I was an imposter to the core.Does this sound familiar to you?Your work will never stand out and it’s hard for someone to resonate with it when they see your “style” in every other artist’s body of work. Putting watches, small trinkets and other irrelevant items in your composition will look like the hundreds of other artists on Instagram doing the same thing. It’s stale, unoriginal and you won’t fool anyone for long once they realize it’s everywhere in their feeds.You and I as artists have a responsibility to produce something different. We need to grow a backbone and discern the opinions of others, even our idols.
Opinions of Sheep
How to Stand Out When Creating
Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.The most important opinion anyone can have of you is whatyou think of yourself.I wrote a post awhile back how the opinions of others should never deter you from self-expression.However, don’t be naïve and prideful when someone tries to help you with constructive criticism (words to my old self). You need these people who want to help but don’t confuse feedback with idiotic trolls who are too scared to produce and take it out on you.It’s going to happen. If you’re being vulnerable and exposing your work, thoughts and values into the world, you will be judged.Everyone will experience a hater sooner or later, that’s life – but you can’t let that stop you from finding your voice.Think about it, if someone can hate your work then surely there are those whocanlove it.You have something to offer – you have a gift waiting to manifest and you rob yourself and society of your potential by letting the opinions of sheep make you second guess yourself.Create from a place of passion and authenticity. It takes a lot of bad work and perseverance to stand out when creating, and creating from this place will allow you to do great work.[pullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="#1C1C1C" class="" size="32"]“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs[/pullquote]You have to be willing to put out less-than-perfect work and know that it will be scrutinized. This is part of the process and sticking with it will only lead to positive results.I purposely leave all my old work on Instagram for this reason. I can tell people it took a lot of showing up and producing bad work to get to where I’m at now.
Right Person Right Time
Instead of creating to please the world, think of that one person who could benefit from your work.It’s much easier to create value with one person in mind then the entire population.Whatever negative connotations people may say or think towards you work doesn’t matter, they are not your audience and you are not creating for them.My past struggle to please everyone manifested a body of work that wasn’t true to my nature – it wasn’t authentic nor original. It was made for everyonewhichmade it for no one.There was no one person in mind.Being authentic and different will empower you to createsomething that resonateswith the right person at the righttime. When you consistently share parts of your story and put out quality, valuable content, it’s only a matter of time before it resonates with the right person.This is allows you to stand out and create work that subjectively matters to someone.The universe will guide your words to those who need it most. I speak from experience of the serendipitous, encouraging encounters my work has created for me. My least engaged post with little comments and below average likes made the most impact to one person….I could get thousands of likes and hundreds of comments on a drawing yet no emails or messages telling me how much my words were exactly what that person needed to hear that day.That’s what it’s about – it not about the width, it’s about the depth.That one person your post is resonating with is your audience. Focus on creating in your own unique way and deliver value to them; this will have a snowball effect which will scale into to a larger, engaged audience.
Create Work to Stand Out
Let go of the fear, anxiety and insecurity. These will hold you back from creating and sharing work from an authentic place.Stop trying to fit in to please; be different so you can stand out.
Key Takeaways
The most important opinion anyone can have of you is what you think of yourself
If someone can hate your work then surely there are those whocanlove it
You have a gift waiting to manifest
Be willing to put out less-than-perfect work
Creating for everyone makesit for no one
Create something that resonates with the right person at the righttime
It’s about depth, not width
There’s only one of you so let your voice be heard.Be different and focus on giving value to one person; don't rob them by following a trend.This week I challenge you to put the universe to work and let it guide your message.-
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